
Four Freedoms Revised

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Four Freedoms Revised
Four Freedoms Revised Essay

The basic idea of the four freedoms has changed drastically from the times of the 1940s to the current time we are living in now. In the 1940s, the freedoms that people were promised to receive weren’t for all people of different races and they were different from what the four freedoms had to offer the common good of society compared to our time now. In present time, people are more accepted for who they are and what race they are. Also, almost everyone in America has the privilege to enjoy the perks of what the four freedoms promises Americans. As a nation the meaning of the four freedoms has changed overtime and the people’s tolerance of each other no matter what race, skin color, or where they are from has
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Back in the 1940’s racial borders would prevent black people from being taken seriously if they were to speak out on their own opinions and the way they see things. There was still this sense of racism in the 1940’s and African-Americans were still in the struggle to get the same civil rights as the white man. Also, if a black man was ever to speak out against the government he would be punished for even saying anything. An example of this was when Martin. Luther King. Jr. spoke out his opinion and started peaceful protests that would eventually get him in trouble. He ended up being sent to jail for sharing his opinion on black civil rights. Overtime he was killed by a James Earl Ray by assassination. In our present time we’ve learned to accept what everyone has to say and it’s respect to speak out on your opinion and there are no racial barriers. An example of freedom of speech today is Barack Obama. He believed and throughout his campaign for presidency proclaimed that healthcare should be available for every American. Before in the 1940’s a black man wouldn’t be taken seriously and a black man wouldn’t see the point of speaking out his opinion when it doesn’t matter to anyone else. In comparison from back then to this point of time the freedom of speech has changed and people have learned to be more acceptable or open to whatever anyone else has to say no matter who the person is, what color their skin is or where they are from. Everyone truly does have the right now to say however they feel in

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