
Examples Of An Interwar Totalitarian Rule Of Germany

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Examples Of An Interwar Totalitarian Rule Of Germany
The most notorious example of an interwar totalitarian rule can be seen in the NAZI party's control of Germany between 1933 and 1945. This fascist reign, also called the Third Reich, was led by Adolf Hitler and was created in about the same way as the totalitarian governments that arose in other European countries during the same time period.
After World War I, Germany was forced into a state of depression. They were forced to repay a huge war debt due to the Treaty of Versailles, and the nation found itself drowned in economic chaos. This, combined with the country's general sense of despair as a result of its terrible losses during the war, left Germany in need of a strong, captivating leader. The man who came to save them was a young
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He gave the citizens of Germany a feeling of hope in their country for the first time in generations and guided the nation to achieve a level of production and prosperity it had not known for a long period of time. His relief of the economic cloud that had smothered Germany for so long helped his people to overlook the fact that Hitler legislated policies that discriminated against their fellow citizens based on race.
Under the leadership of Hitler, the Nazis tried to make Germany into the state of the Aryan race from 1933 until their defeat in 1945. Before the end of his rule, the Nazis concentrated, deported and afterwards killed 10 million non-Aryan Europeans through organizational massacres as an act of state. Hitler found out that he could force people to believe virtually anything he said or
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The end result was a combination of the resurgence of authoritarian rule coupled with a new type of cruel and active tyranny which reached its peak in Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union. It was Hitler’s aggression toward Poland that triggered World War II. The horrors of this time period are a disturbing chapter in history, which many would like to believe were an aberration and will not happen again. One would do well to learn the lessons of history, lest they be repeated in our own day.
Such authoritarian governments did not have modern technology or means of communication, and as a result did not have the capacity to control many aspects of the lives of their citizens; however they apparently had no desire to do so, as they were preoccupied with their own survival. Their demands upon their own people largely consisted of taxes, army recruits and passive acceptance of government policy. As long as people did not attempt to change the system, they enjoyed a great degree of personal independence.
After the First World War, the parliamentary governments of Eastern Europe founded on the wreckage of the war sunk and collapsed one at a time. By early 1938, only Czechoslovakia remained faithful to democratic liberal ideals. Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, as well as Portugal, and Spain all fell to conservative

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