Steinbeck foreshadowed the pivotal events based on Lennie’s psychological structure, innocence, brute strength and the pure brotherly love he holds for George. This therefore gives an overall depressing tone of the book with barely any positive events.
Steinbeck first foreshadowed the pivotal events of the book through Lennie’s slight mental disability shown on page 8 where George refers to him as a “crazy bastard”. It can be assumed that Lennie indeed has a disability and therefore impacts on the decisions he makes. An example of the effect Lennie’s disability is on page 13 where George loses his temper and recounts the events of their time in Weed where Lennie wanted to “feel that girl’s dress” and “jus’ wanted to pet it like a mouse” which leads to their escape during the night from the town.
Another example suggesting Lennie’s slight disability is on page 17 where George talks to him as if he is talking to a child. This proves that Steinbeck foreshadowed the pivotal events of the book through Lennie’s psychological structure due to the fact that Lennie is incapable of thinking for himself and therefore relies fully on George .This gives a sympathetic tone to the novel as the reader feels sympathetic towards Lennie’s good intentions and innocence.
Lennie’s innocence plays a large role in the pivotal events of the book, as he isn’t quite aware of the consequences of the actions he takes. This is shown where George catches Lennie with a dead mouse on page 10. Another example of Lennie’s innocence is where he is staring “hopelessly at his hands” and admitted that he forgot not to speak. This is an example of Lennie’s innocence due to the fact that he doesn’t understand that if he talks, George and he won’t be employed. Lennie’s innocence is shown again when he sleeps with the puppies, showing that despite all of the mistakes he has