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The unfairness of the working conditions that Esperanza becomes aware of after the strike resembles the battle many Hispanics still fight for today. Despite the fact wages are more parallel to the rest of the American community, unlike the ones back in Esperanza's days, unfair treatment and discrimination are still being shown in many places, even for those who are actual citizens of this country. Many friends of mine, including myself, still carry thick accents because they were raised in Mexico or other Latin American countries. However, we have all been part of some sort of racial or discriminatory joke in one way or another, without the jokesters realizing we are actually American citizens like themselves. It is never easy to be an immigrant, and if I had not been raised in another country instead of my true homeland, which is the United States, I might've gone unaware of it for the rest of my life.
At the end of the day, after the loss of her father through violence, the difficulties of having to become an adult in her early teenage years, claiming complex responsibilities, suffering through her mother's sickness, and working under unfair conditions in a