
Effects Of Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Effects Of Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men
Loneliness is the feeling of being isolated that a person feels invisible to their surroundings. Isolation separates people from others. It makes people desperate for human contact. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, is set in the 1930s during the Great Depression where many isolated roaming people are searching for jobs around the United States. Isolation and its effects are evident in the life of Curley’s wife as demonstrated by her being restricted from talking to other people, trying to get attention, and being the only woman on the ranch. To begin with, isolation keeps you away from other people. Being ignored causes loneliness that leads up to isolation. The effects of isolation are devastating. Isolated people often “crave stimulation, talking, singing, or reciting poetries” to satisfy boredom by keeping themselves active. People can become anxious for communication of any type after a few hours. Individuals who are isolated have “serious behavioral and attachment issues” towards others. Interactions and relationship within an isolated person can drastically change in a person’s characteristic. Briefly, isolation affects the many ways people act and communicate with themselves and other people. …show more content…
In the barn, Curley’s wife tells Lennie that she “can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad.” Curley does not allow his wife to speak to the men on the ranch, but she still tries to talk regardless of Curley’s restriction. The men at Crook’s place want Curley’s wife to “go along to her own house now” and “don’t want no trouble.” In Crook’s barn, she is not sought by many of the men and they do not want to talk with her. Overall, Curley’s wife flirts with the men in order to get their attention, but the men ignores and dislikes

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