
Effects Of Euphues By John Lyly

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Effects Of Euphues By John Lyly
John Lyly, in his novel Euphues, once said, “All is fair in love and war.” When it comes to war, anything goes. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified, for there are positive effects, the Japanese were brutal, and it ultimately saved lives. Firstly, there are the positive effects brought on from the bombings. There is the resounding fact that the bomb ended the war, first of all. Some people may disagree with this, saying that they would have surrendered anyway, but they were a stubborn people. The bomb was the final push they needed to finally give up. These bombings also gave the U.S. a certain power over the rest of the world. An example of this would be when we were in the Cold War years later. Since we had bombed Japan, Russia was more cautious in their disagreement with us, knowing we had working atomic bombs. Finally, the devastation brought on by this bomb has encouraged nations to have peace talks before starting war. …show more content…
The first example of this brutal nature is the Nanking Massacre in China of 1937. The Japanese army marched in and murdered 300,000 civilians, which is half of the population at that time. Not only did the murder, they murdered randomly by shooting into panicked crowds. The Japanese army also looted buildings, set them aflame, and raped random women, young and old. Another example of the savage ways of the Japanese is the infamous Bataan Death March, where their army marched prisoners of war to their death. On April 9th, 1942, when American and Filipino soldiers formally surrendered, the Japanese began marching 76,000 POWs northward into captivity. The 60-mile journey held terrible conditions for marchers, some being left on the side of the road to die, and others being starved and dehydrated until they died or went crazy. The horrendous ordeal lasted five days for some, and twelve days for

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