Appendix G
The DSM-IV is an important tool for clinicians. It provides a standard for diagnoses to be standardized across psychology; however, the DSM-IV is not as precise for diagnosing personality disorders as some psychologists would like.
Give an example of each of the following problems identified in your readings and explain how these problems could negatively affect a diagnosis.
1. Some criteria used for reaching a diagnosis cannot be observed directly.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration has conducted national surveys to monitor alcohol use prevalence and trends since the early 1960s, very few of these surveys have measured psychiatric syndromes that constitute alcohol dependence (Department of Health and Human Services, 1993; Johnston et al., 1992). Estimates of alcohol use alone are not informative in determining the magnitude and characteristics of that subgroup of alcohol users who are experiencing serious alcohol-related problems that require treatment or in determining the critical relationship between alcohol use and dependence. Therefore, in order to diagnosis it correctly; a thorough detailed correlation must be assessed.
2. Personality disorders can be similar to each other. …show more content…
The range of axis II should be broadened to encompass the range of personality pathology seen in clinical practice. Personality pathology is difficult to measure. Current instruments have problems with validity and rely on a direct-question format that may be inappropriate for the assessment of personality. In addition, they are designed specifically to address current DSM-IV categories and criteria, which limit their utility in making meaningful revisions of those criteria. These problems suggest the need for consideration of alternative approaches to assessing and revising axis