
Do Not Go Gentle

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Do Not Go Gentle
A famous saying by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that “we [as men] shall overcome”. What King makes clears is that the human race will always push forward and will overcome harsh struggles. In Dylan Thomas’s poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night, many of the lines focus about death and the aspects of losing someone. To add, Thomas’s “overcoming” human struggle is symbolized by not submitting to death, but rather resisting it. Thomas wants humans to be in “rage against the dying of the light [death]” (3, Thomas).Thomas goes about many ways in which he tries to tell his audience that they should not just easily give up. Thomas uses important literary devices such as repetition, diction, word choice, and symbolism. These devices help to …show more content…

Thomas has a “father” who is “... on the sad height” and is about to experience death (16, Thomas). As being a son who is going to lose his father, Thomas wants his father to keep fighting and perceiving through death. Thomas uses a powerful voice when he is trying to convince others on his points. Thomas applies the voice of a worried son to this poem to grab his audience's attention. Furthermore, Thomas makes certain that his father does not “go gentle into that good night” (18, Thomas). He wants to tell others that people should never let death become between them and their loved ones. Overall, death is the main reason for why others should keep fighting. To end, Thomas wants others to grasp his ideas about making sure that our loved ones should always fight with death, and not give …show more content…

One of the most important distinctions that Thomas makes is the difference between light and dark imagery. This imagery is followed by words such as ‘light’, ‘night’ to help convey the ideas of death and life. Also, Thomas is very crafty and uses to establish a man’s timeline to death as one whole day. In other words, he uses the cycle of one day to help relate to his reader of when someone dies. What makes this poem such a great poem, is that the poem has many meaning. While this poem does signal death, it does not necessarily have to be associated with death. In context, Thomas uses words like ‘rage’ to symbolize the action of going against something in which people believe is wrong. If the brave people of the civil rights movements, or the pilgrims of plymouth just went “gentle into that good night”, the world would have been much different (1, Thomas). The major point that poet is trying to make is that humans will always go through struggles, but it is their duty to overcome and to “rage against the dying of the light”, and the things that they know are

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