
Divine Reality Research Paper

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Divine Reality Research Paper
Someone asked me why does hate, anger, love, curiosity, admiration, etc. exist in the world. It was a very innocent yet important question that I would like to address. Seekers of the Spirit throughout time have noticed that the Divine Reality expresses in various ways, including Peace, Oneness, Wisdom, Knowledge, Creativity, Beauty, Goodness, Love, Delight, Power, Timelessness, and Infinity. These are also qualities that the Supreme seeks to manifest in the forms of creation. We humans are the means by which they take shape on earth. Interestingly, though the Intent of the Supreme was/is to spread these spiritual aspects throughout the cosmos, they initially took shape in their opposite form, as an inversion. For example, life first emerged in the universe as unconscious physical matter; and only after, emerged higher, more conscious forms. Thus, life, and indeed we humans have roots in unconsciousness mixed with the consciousness. And we have come to embody them in the form of both positive and negative character traits -- expressing the physical, vital, and mental levels. An obvious question is why would a Divine Reality allow for both formations of darkness and light? Why not just manifest Its own, …show more content…
For example, feelings like fear, anger, hatred, are negative expressions that originate in the vital plane of our being. It turns out that not only are these negative expressions inversions of their positive spiritual counterpart of Oneness, Power, Love, etc., but inversions of our own positive human traits. For example, people who hate, secretly harbor love, but through circumstance inner and outer, have inverted to its darker side. A child might hate a parent because of their abuse, but secretly harbored intense love that reversed itself. In fact, the more intense the hate, the greater the possibility of love when the obstacles are

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