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The important of cultural diversity in Maryland is on the rise. Attending a school with a diverse student body can help prepare your child for citizenship in a multicultural democracy. As the United States become a more culturally and ethnically diverse nation, public schools are becoming more diverse, too. According to an article “Cultural Diversity” the article states that “The Census Bureau project that by the year 2100, the United States minority population will become the majority with non-Hispanic whites making up only 40% of the United States population” (Cultural Diversity, 2012.) There is no doubt that students will need to learn how to interact in a diverse environment. Jean Snell, is the clinical professor of teacher education at the University of Maryland, believes cultural diversity enhances the school experience. He states that “There is a richness that comes from students working side by side with others who are not of the same cookie-cutter mode” (Cultural Diversity, 2012.)…
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Teaching cultural diversity in a classroom can be very difficult, but not impossible. One of the key areas that sometimes go without notice is working with families and developing curriculum together so that their culture becomes a learning forum as well. This will not only teach, but bring about a sense of pride and comfort so that collaboration will continue throughout the school year and beyond. With that being said it is not always easy. Unfortunately there is a lot of concern about whether or not many teachers have the proper knowledge or experience working in or living in diverse environments (Robinson & Clardy, 2011). One way of dealing with this is to integrate ways to approach cultural diversity throughout the teaching program. Once teachers are given the proper techniques then dealing with and approaching diversity will be much easier.…
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Any differences amongst a group should be acknowledged and respectfully embraced. Where appropriate and relevant, differences could be celebrated in a factual manner. EG., acknowledging the multi-cultural aspect of the subject and its many influences. Teaching of this nature would assist to promote the positive recognition of Diversity amongst students and teachers.…
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Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably than others. Equality is about the rights of the learners to attend and participate regardless of age, sex, race, gender reassignment, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage/civil partnership and pregnancy /maternity. Diversity is about recognising and being tolerant of different views which individual people have, in terms of cultural backgrounds and different lifestyle choices relating to any characteristics they may have. A diverse society is what we have as every individual has a different culture, belief and life experience to the next. Inclusion is about including all the learners in ‘relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly or indirectly’ (Gravells 2008). ‘Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning appropriate to their needs and circumstances ion a safe and healthy environment.’ (Success for all: DfES 2002). Inclusive teaching and learning is possible when promoted. In order to achieve this I combine both the training cycle and the learning styles from Kolb and Fry. These include using Concrete experience, Abstract Conceptualisation, Active Experimentation and Observation and Reflection. Learners the mixing up of which produces the learning styles that best suits a learner, ie; Converger, Diverger, Assimilator and Accommodator. By ensuring the lessons accommodate all learning styles all learners will feel inclusion. Along with the learning styles I would include relevant resource materials . If a learner requires more intervention then I may need to include the following; additional classroom support, adapted or specific resources, peer support, varied presentation, content selection, reducing or increasing time for activities Along with my…
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I strongly believe that teaching diversity and acceptance of differences is one of the most important concepts that can be accomplished by a teacher. We in America have so many different ethnic groups and races, that it makes it even more important to be able to accept diversity. In the classroom, these differences should be celebrated as a positive learning experience. Unfortunately, in the dictionary, the word diversity comes just before the word division, and some educators teach diversity as such. When diversity is taught, it should be done in a way that brings everyone together, not…
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Customer plays an important role in the marketing piece of business. Marketing brings a customer in and customer keeps them coming back. While a growing business needs to constantly capture new customers, the focus and priority should be on pleasing and keeping existing customer base. Companies that fail to nurture and retain their customer base ultimately fail.…
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The society of the United States of America is culturally diverse. This diversity reflects on the demographics that our schools have. Every school leader needs to understand the diversity that exists at their schools. Understanding the diversity will determine how professional educators meet the difficulties or handles everyday situations that a school generates. Understanding this cultural composition is not enough. There must be a group of leaders, teachers, researchers and other stakeholders committed to deal with the educational processes that English language learners face.…
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Definition. Merriam Webster defines diversity as the condition of having or being composed of differing elements and qualities or the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization. Diversity awareness is constantly shaping the way that society approach or address populations in regards to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual-orientation, language, and social class in P-12 and higher education settings.…
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Hosted by: BC School Trustees Association • 1580 W. Broadway, 4th Fl., Vancouver, BC V6J 5K9 • (604) 7342721…
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Charter schools encourage diversity throughout schools. On the “U.S. Department of Education” website written by Margaret Spellings, the author discusses how charter schools throughout the United States have grown and become more popular in the education system within the recent years. Since 1991, the U.S. has passed charter school legislations in 42 states (Spellings). This statistic shows that charter schools are increasing throughout the U.S. as racial diversity also rapidly increases. Because charter schools are becoming more favorable due to the quality and equal education provided for students, schools systems with most likely offer charter schools all throughout the U.S. as the desired type of education for future students. Also stated…
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Coming from a small, mostly white town, I never grew up around a lot of diversity. The most diverse my school got was the fact that there was one African American student and around three homosexual students. In relation to that, it was interesting to learn that there are specific ways to organize a classroom in order to be fully inclusive of every race, sexuality, or gender identity. When thinking about becoming a teacher, I never took into account how easily offended Americans are where one comment or action can be twisted into an attack on someone, and the importance of making sure that every student feels comfortable requires a lot more…
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There is an atmosphere of diversification and multiculturalism. The trend is to satisfy the diversity thirsts of the system. The thrust is not to satisfy the crowds, but noted as a mandate that became a “must” to satisfy the standards-core curriculum. Diversity not only encompassed gender, and sexual orientation, but psychological natures that were ingrained in individuals, Therefore, the direction of a multicultural classroom had a need to diversify the standard curriculum which in itself was meant to provide an equal access to the…
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