
Differences And Similarities Between The Holocaust And Armenian Genocide

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Differences And Similarities Between The Holocaust And Armenian Genocide
Throughout history, it has been shown that naturally, human beings can be evil and are competent of committing atrocious and disreputable crimes against other human beings. The United Nations has a law that is supposed to protect human rights; however, these rights have been violated in the past, and are still unfortunately, on occasion, contravened today. These human rights cover a wide assortment of topics and come in a number of forms. Many of these rights have been abused and today are studied deeply in history, such as sexual abuse against women, basic discrimination, or the commitment of hate crimes. Regrettably, there have been many lives lost due to infringements of these human rights, and in some horrific cases, these counts of numerous …show more content…
During the Holocaust, Germany had just recently come into Nazi control under facist dictator, Adolf Hitler. In 1933, Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany, and he almost immediately began anti-Semitic Laws aimed to eliminate Jews' rights. Hitler had specific features that he felt made someone into a “perfect human.” He called these people the “Master Race.” He believed that the Aryan Races symbolized a superior and “pure race.” A perfect member of the Master Race was referred to as a “Super Man.” Anybody not of pure, Aryan descent was considered a “Sub-Human.” Hitler attempted to create living space for Aryans, also known as Lebensraum. As a minority, Jews were a perfect target for Hitler’s raid on non-pure people. He also targeted others in Belarus, Croatia, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, and the USSR for extermination to expand territory available for Germany. His government, the Third Reich, began scouting Germany for non-pure citizens, and also selectively bred humans and created laws against marriages between pure and non-pure people trying to create perfect families. They began to sterilize these non-pure people, in turn creating the massacre of what has been known as the Holocaust. The Holocaust ended after the Germans had surrendered to the Allied Forces, and this …show more content…
Other deaths included those of the Roma (Gypsies), disabled, and Slavs (Poles, Russians, others). They also killed people because of political, ideological, and behavorial reasons such as one being a Communist, Socialist, Jehovah’s Witness, or a homosexual. Hitler’s reasoning for the massacre of all these people was very selfish. He only wished for a “perfect society” to compare to other places so he could be the best, however his actions did nothing but hurt him and his

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