Types of Therapy
To be an effective Christian counselor one must be able to utilize different forms of therapy based on their client’s needs as well as diagnosis. Research has shown the importance of utilizing different forms of therapy and how they can be used to treatment clients with different mental health issues to include depression, borderline personality disorder and anxiety. To be an effective Christian counselor, I will use the following forms of therapy dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, brief psychotherapy, play therapy and person-centered therapy. Individuals with depression and anxiety receive cognitive …show more content…
Marsha M. Linehan. Dr. Linehan utilized dialectical behavioral therapy for treating borderline personality disorder. Strategies utilized in dialectical behavioral therapy allow the therapist to accept the client at their current state (Piotrowski, 2010). Dialectical Behavioral Therapy techniques draws from cognitive behavioral therapy as well as person-centered therapy (Piotrowski, 2010). Dialectical Behavior Therapy adds two additional strategies to include acceptance and dialectical strategies. Prior to the development of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy there was no effective treatment for individuals with borderline personality disorder. According to Piotrowski (2010) “ people, with borderline personality disorder are emotionally flammable and fragile, unable to reliably regulate their inner states, have conflict-ridden relationships, frequently consider suicide, and often engage in self-harming behaviors such as cutting” (p.602). Andrews (2010) mentions “studies have shown that dialectical behavioral therapy can reduce depressive symptoms, suicide attempts self-injury, and hospitalizations” …show more content…
Play therapy is described a process to help children grow, rather than solve their problems (Landreth & Bratton, 1998). Carson, Watts and Maniacci (2006) state “most children under the age of 10 do not have the abstract reasoning and verbal ability to clearly express their thoughts, feelings, reactions and attitudes” (p. 228). Play therapy assists the therapist with understanding the child’s feelings, interactions and relationships as well as helps them express their feelings of frustration by creating a safe environment. Children having difficulties with expressing how they feel or an incident may utilize toys and play to reveal their feelings. According to Landreth & Bratton (1998) “play is a way of being, a way relating, a vehicle of communication, and a form of personal expression” (p.11). In order for a therapist to be consider a play therapist one must be adequately trained. Play therapists have a master’s in counseling or related field such as social work of psychology. According to Landreth & Bratton (1998) “training should incorporate the areas of child development and basic counseling skills including acquisition of a theoretical approach incorporating a rationale for behavior change consistent with the play