
Dbq Nationalism

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Dbq Nationalism
To a large extent, nationalism had a big significance towards the formulation of foreign policy. America began changing the ways things were running and eventually grew some of their own national pride. The United States had to go through treaties and wars just to receive some nationalism in their country. Thomas Jefferson couldn’t go to the Mediterranean because the Barbary Pirates would kill him. Jefferson would pay the pirates to not get attack. The Barbary Coast Pirates would invade ships that traveled through the Mediterranean. The pirates would capture ships and sell those sailors into slavery.After four long years they were finally able to defeat the barbary coast. By 1805 the pirates stopped attacking. Britain and France were constantly in war. America had a hard time staying neutral to both countries, all America really wanted was to trade with both countries and not go into war. France passed a law in …show more content…
They hated “submission men” and all they wanted to do was to restore national dignity and promote national pride.War Hawks pressured John Madison to declare war against the British. The War of 1812, the United States declares war with the greatest naval power ever, Great Britain. The war occurred because the United States attempted to restrict trade and expand their territory. The British had captured the nation's capital and burned it on August. Although it looked like it was going to end badly for the Americans they ended up defeating the british in the Battle of New Orleans, which caused the United States to redeem itself. After the Battle of New Orleans, national patriotism was shown and the Treaty of Ghent ended the war. At the end of the war America felt like they’ve gain respect.It was seen as the second war of independence and started the era of national pride. In 1818, Americans and Britians agree to certain things, they agreed to share Oregan for 10

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