
Creative writing- Imaginative Recount on pharaoh and Mummification

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Creative writing- Imaginative Recount on pharaoh and Mummification
Year 8 Ancient History-EgyptResearch and Imaginative accountThe Greatest pharaoh who ever livedThe story of my deathIt all began on one rainy day. I was 26 and I was drinking from a golden goblet, which had my name engraved on it, when suddenly, I began to feel dizzy and I lost my balance. Before I knew it, I found myself on the floor. The goblet that I drank from had pure venom in it from the most poisonous snake of Egypt. I saw my life roll past my eyes. I even had some visions, in which I was not at the scene.

At that very moment, my heart snapped in half. I saw the person who had wanted me to die. I saw the person who poured the venom into the goblet. I saw the person who sent me to my bitter death. I would have cried like a baby if I was still alive. My sister, Mer-Neith, who was also my wife, was the devil, the heartless woman, who killed me and put me to my miserable end.

My life and reign as Pharaoh Amat Hasafara was over. I, the wealthiest, most powerful being of Egypt was dead. I, the only person who ever became pharaoh on the day of his birth was no more. My servants, belongings and the greatest life I could wish for was all gone into a state of nothingness. I had died in the most horrible way anyone could possibly fear.

The only good news left to hope for was that I would for once meet my father, Tutankhamen. I would also meet my mother who passed away immediately after my birth. I would finally be re-united with the parents I never knew.

I thought it was over. I thought my life had ended and I thought that I would never think a thought again, but suddenly I realised that although I had been separated from my body, my Ba and Ka were floating around, following my body and watching its every move.

My royal body lay there motionless and when the servants arrived, Mer-Neith made a huge scene. She cried and hugged my corpse. She screamed and she sobbed, dropping tears all over me. The heartless woman got away with my murder with her great acting skills.

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