The purpose of the coordination complex lab is to determine the absorbance spectra of complexes based on their color. Every complex has its own color which results from the wavelengths of white light it reflects. The complexes will be compared by the color each reflects and by the energy of the waves each absorbs. The purity of the synthesized complex will also be found.
Part I: Preparation of the Complex A sample of copper sulfate pentahydrate (6.285g) was weighed out. The copper sulfate pentahydrate was dissolved in water (11.99mL) in a 250mL beaker. The solution was heated on a hot plate to 90 degrees Celsius. A sample of potassium oxalate monohydrate (10.006g) was dissolved in water (50.0mL). …show more content…
Some of the solution was removed and more deionized water (1.50mL) was added to the solution. A cuvette was filled with deionized water and another with the solution. Each cuvette was filled to the same level. The transmittance of the solution was found at 400nm and then consecutively recorded at intervals of 25nm. Absorbance was calculated from percent transmittance and then plotted on a graph as a function of …show more content…
|copper sulfate (hydrate) |6.285g |solid, blue crystal shape |
|Water |11.99mL |----- |
|potassium oxalate monohydrate |10.006g |transparent liquid |
|Water |50.0mL |----- |
|cold deionized water |12mL |----- |
|95% ethanol |10mL |transparent liquid |
|Acetone |10mL |transparent liquid |
|Complex |9.198g |blue powdery substance |
Data Table 2-Absorption Spectrum