9. The First Amendment affords people the freedom of speech, press, and religion. This is an example of …
Introduction of the topic Freedom of Speech II. Informing —Describe the personal liberty and the amendment The first amendment, written in the bill of rights, is used to ensure that some of the most fundamental human rights are provided to U.S. citizens equally. Freedom of speech, being one of these fundamental liberties, has been questioned quite often though, in terms of limitations. III.…
The First Amendment protection for freedom of expression “consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief” (www.law.cornell.edu). Though there are several components of freedom of expression “the most basic component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech” (www.law.cornell.edu). The First Amendment states that the “right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government”…
Since the First Amendment granted freedom of speech and assembly, as well as the freedom to hold private meetings, Americans should have had the right to express personal ideas without fear of government searches, regardless of the medium in which the communication took…
It is hard to go one day without seeing some form of hate speech. I see examples of it on social media platforms on a daily basis. People do not think about the negative effects that occurs because of what they said. Moreover, the people who face hate speech may feel angered or frustrated enough that they, too, perpetuate hate speech. People do not care to listen to those who claim hate speech is an issue because they think that the 1st Amendment gives them the right to say anything they want without consequences. The freedom of speech does not mean that you should say negative things to those of a different race or religion.…
An example of a First Amendment issue is the issue of pornography. Adult pornography should not be limited, the participants are doing this voluntarily and it is not hurting them. Kiddie porn, on the other hand, is very wrong. In a NY Times article titled A First Amendment Junkie,…
According to the textbook, “several key restrictions limit our ability to speak or publish opinions under certain circumstances” (page 124). This means that even though under the First Amendment we have the freedom of speech, there are limitations to this freedom. One of the types of speech that is restricted and not protected that the author of the textbook mentions is speech that incites “a criminal act, ‘fighting words,’ and genuine threats” (page 124). This means that if anyone is to say or publish anything that calls for an act of violence and/or any other type of criminal activity, it is not protected under the First Amendment. Restricting speech that leads to violence and any other criminal act is only right so the people the speech…
The first Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression from government interference. This is one of the most important amendments in the constitution and is what America is most proud of. However, these rights aren’t all they are cracked up to be. For example, censorship is very common and goes against the freedom of speech. Censorship has many different roles in society both in the past and present. In the past it was used as a way for dictators to control their people and keep them from reading rebellious literature. Hitler even burned all books that he did not like.…
The first amendment of the US Constitution has come into a lot of political controversy because it gives us some of the very essential rights to be whom we want to be. Under the first amendment we as United States citizens have the right to “freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble”, which some people don’t want us to have these rights and will try to come up with laws to restrain us from using them so it can benefit their cause (Ivers, 2013). I feel that the government wants to have the power to keep us in control and be able to do what they want, when they want with us.…
A hate crime is an assault or any other crime directed at a person of another race or religion. Hate crimes are usually very brutal and harmful, and victims are not only hurt physically but also are emotionally traumatized and terrified (Fritsch et al, 2015). For others in the community who have similar victim’s characteristic, they may also feel victimized and vulnerable, posing a possible increase in an attempt to retaliate for the original offense. The legislation does not allow individuals to be prosecuted for their hateful thoughts, but instead allows them to be punished for their hateful acts. Thus, willfully inflicting…
Free speech, more than any other of America’s values, has been the touchstone of American democracy dating back to the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment, created in 1791, is so important because “without our basic and essential rights established by that first amendment, the others amendments would have little to no meaning and hardly any force.” It shows the creativity and innovativeness of American democracy. The Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” However, almost from the moment the…
People are entitled to one of the rights listed in the first amendment, the freedom of speech. It’s true that some people are hateful but even if we don’t like, agree, or even joke about it we don’t have the right to control them. People are unable to express their thoughts and feelings because they do not want to offend others.…
If you were to ask many Americans whether hate speech was covered under the first amendment, many would be surprised to find out that in most circumstances it is protected. For the augment essay, I plan to argue that hate speech should be covered under the first amendment, and its coverage is essential to the idea of free speech.…
Will this act of speech create a dangerous situation? The First Amendment does not protect statements that are uttered to provoke violence or incite illegal action.…
So a vast majority of states have added hate crime laws to their books. The statues have allowed longer sentences if there is evidence that a crime was motivated by a bias. As (“Defining hate crimes”) Recent town meeting in Phoenix concerned residents and the police chief have entered a dialogue about legal definition of hate crimes. Communities have been trying to stop hate crimes from happening in their communities (“hate crime and the need”). As communities work on preventing hate crimes a question raises when some form of harassment does occur what should happen (“hate crime and the need”). The existing federal law is inadequate to address the problem. On July 14 about 50 people railed in Gilbert Arizona in support for same sex marriage (“hate crime and the need”) In 31 states people who committed violence intimidation or vandalism against others on account of the persons race religion ethnicity or membership in a protected group can be sued in civil court and ordered to pay damages to the victim. Just as criminal hate crime laws vary from state to state so do civil liability laws. (“Criminal defense lawyer”) Some religious conservatives have expressed concern that a pastor sermon or writing might so inflame a member of their congregation that the latter might be motivated to pick up a weapon and harassed people. . (“FBI.gov”) Under the existing hate crime law the federal government can…