
Comparing Canterbury Tales 'And' The Pardoner's Tale

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Comparing Canterbury Tales 'And' The Pardoner's Tale
The Pardoner's Tale and The Wife of Bath's Tale, both are interesting story by Geoffrey Chaucer. Both tales utilizes irony to showcase problems present within the Medieval era and relate to today, such as rape and thievery to the lifelong lessons such as, Greed is the root of all evils and content featuring woman’s dominance, rights, and morality in general. In the Pardoner's Tale, Chaucer writes about a man who preaches to his audience for money. The pardoner speaks of three men that lost their lives due to greed. This leaves the reader with the knowledge that money is the root of all evil. I think the whole world is nothing compare to the pardoner's greed. The pardoner admits that his job is not to encourage people to become better from sin, but to make himself rich. According to the text “but let me briefly make my purpose plain, I preach for nothing by for greed of gain”. Also he even goes so far as to say that he would steal from the poorest page, the widow and even a starving child if it meant that he would gain from the process. …show more content…
In Jose Stone's, “A man's World” she said, “it would be nothing without a woman”. The moral and lesson of this story is to show people that sometimes we have to stop thinking about what we want and we need to think about what we need. This story teaches us that beauty isn't the most important aspects of a person. The knight realizing that it is more important to have someone that will be faithful, it made him value a person’s personality more than looks around and he gives his wife mastery over him. According to the text “I place myself in your wise governance”. A wife's possession of mastery is what is best for both men and woman, according to the Wife of

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