
Compare And Contrast A Song Of Ice And Fire

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Compare And Contrast A Song Of Ice And Fire
At the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire, three raiders of the Night’s Watch, Ser Joyce, Gared and Will, search for the Wildlings in the woods separately. When Will finds the Wildlings are dead, he gets back to inform his accompanies. And the prologue begins from here.

Snippet 1:
[1](Gared says) “We should start back,” […]
[2](Gared says) “The Wildlings are dead.” […]
[3] Ser Waymar Royce (says) “Do the dead frighten you?” […]
[4]Gared […] was an old man, past fifty, […] “Dead is dead,” […] “We have no business with the dead.”

On narrator-to-reader level, maxim of quantity is violated in all four sentences. In Sentence(S)1and S 2, the narrator only provides a name of one character and a general description of setting, yet leaves out all
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[…] glimpsed a white shadow in the darkness. Then it was gone.
(Will think or hope that white shadow is an animal)
[24]The Others made no sound.
[25]He (Joyce) must have felt them, as Will felt them.

In S 23, the Will sees a white shadow and could not decide what it is. Since there is no sufficient information provide their, maxim of quality is also violated and readers also puzzle with that white shadow. Due to the fact that neither readers nor the character know what is it, Detective Suspense is created. In S 24, by using the word “the Others”, narrator informs readers that there someone else there yet the characters do not know that, which creates the Thriller-Suspense. And both parties unaware the outcome, which again creates the Detective-Suspense.

In S 25, even the fearless Joyce becomes panic. On narrator-to-reader level the narrator also does not provide enough information for readers to know what he “feels” and what exactly makes them so afraid, which creates “Secret” Suspense. Like the cases in S 16, S 18, S 19, and S 24, this force remains unknown, yet threatening and frightening, which creates Detective and Thriller Suspense.


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