The Creature is mistreated and also judge by other human beings and at some points he was even attacked by humans. “stones and any other kinds of missiles” (Shelley 74). That caused him to start avoiding humans but did not change the way he viewed himself. He begins to describe himself as “hopeless, lonely wretch”. Also when he saves a girl from drowning he is shot which makes him regret coming onto this earth. The monster becomes very angry because he wanted to interact with human beings by doing something good and was rejected once again. He then try to revenge himself upon mankind and murders william. Here we see that the creature has potential of doing something good and when he is angry does something evil. In the end the creature then compares himself to
The Creature is mistreated and also judge by other human beings and at some points he was even attacked by humans. “stones and any other kinds of missiles” (Shelley 74). That caused him to start avoiding humans but did not change the way he viewed himself. He begins to describe himself as “hopeless, lonely wretch”. Also when he saves a girl from drowning he is shot which makes him regret coming onto this earth. The monster becomes very angry because he wanted to interact with human beings by doing something good and was rejected once again. He then try to revenge himself upon mankind and murders william. Here we see that the creature has potential of doing something good and when he is angry does something evil. In the end the creature then compares himself to