
Cause and Effect on Smoking Cigarettes

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Cause and Effect on Smoking Cigarettes
Smoking is Unhealthy for Everyone

Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to the body for many reasons, and it also affects not only human beings but our environment. Smoking cigarettes can be harmful to both the environment and humans because of the many chemicals and substances that produce this hazardous product.
Smoking cigarettes reduces your ability to do things that require endurance, such as sports, and exercise. The tar in the cigarettes covers up alveoli, which help you breathe, which makes for less surface area for gas exchange. In other words, you must breathe more to get the same amount of oxygen as if you didn’t smoke. So the effect that has on sports is that you will get tired quicker due to the lack of oxygen, which inevitably reduces your endurance. This causes you to become tired and you do not have the energy to fulfil the sport you are playing such as basketball, baseball, football,etc. Smoking cigarettes can also make you tired when you are trying to exercise. You start to become weary when you are trying to run on the treadmill, or even when lifting weights. Smoking cigarettes make you lose your breathe faster and you become weak to even finish your minimum amount of exercising routine. You can become ill because you feel nausea or weak, and this can cause you to faint . Exercising is necessary when you want to be healthy and fit. If you smoke while you are pursuing these goals this can affect your health and your goal of losing the weight. Smoking makes you become restless abundantly and you start to lose focus on the goals you want to achieve in sports or in exercising.
Smoking can seriously harm your body in ways of cancer and emphysema. The 1982 United States surgeon general’s report stated that “cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality (death) in the United States. Tobacco use is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. Cigarette smoking and tobacco use acquired behaviors- activities that people choose to

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