
Cause And Effect Essay: Causes Of The American Revolution

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Cause And Effect Essay: Causes Of The American Revolution
Causes of the American Revolution

The American Revolution was caused by the colonists disagreeing with the British. The things that the british and colonists disagreed on were the Proclamation of 1763. One of the many things that the colonists thought needs changed is how the colonies approach war, which is why the political cartoon of a snake was made. The stamp act taxed most goods in the colonies. The Quartering Act angered colonists, and strengthened distrust between the colonists and the british soldiers. John Dickinson’s letters gave courage to the colonists to protest. The Boston Massacre, as Paul Revere painted it, was one of the most influential paintings to rebel against the british. These are just some of why the colonists rebelled and protested against Great Britain.

In the middle of the French and Indian war, 1754 to be exact, Benjamin Franklin introduced one of the first, or the first, ever political cartoons in the new world. The political cartoon was of a snake severed into thirteen parts. Each part of the
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to pay off their debt, they taxed many of the goods being shipped to the new world. This action was called “The Stamp Act” and was put into effect in the colonies in 1765. Taxes were very easily to collect because colonists could not spread out across the Appalachian mountains. The stamp act angered colonists because why would the british parliament be able to tax the colonies without anyone to argue the law. Many colonists took up to saying, “No taxation without representation”. In the same year as the stamp act, Great Britain sent
40,000 british soldiers over to the colonies to help collect taxes. Colonists were forced to house british soldiers, and give them food and supplies for however long they would stay in their house, or even just pass by, which was called “The Quartering Act”. The quartering act only strengthened distrust between colonists and british

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