Ms. Guidroz
English II/ 4th hour
12 May 2016
Casey Anthony: Mother or Murderer? Have you ever heard of the court system acquitting someone that the public unanimously believed was guilty? Casey Anthony was a young mother who appeared outwardly to be a promiscuous woman who was living life with a rough childhood behind her. She appeared like a normal young person, trying to find herself, until she was accused of the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony. An abundance of evidence, holes in her story, and the lack of concern in Anthony’s attitude lead the world to undoubtedly point fingers at her. “Having been the center of a sensational murder trial, Casey Anthony is best known for her connection to the mysterious …show more content…
“The seven-women, five-men jury deliberates for 10 hours, 40 minutes and 33 seconds…”(CNN Library 3). The jury could be considered to have been biased because of the women in the jury. Women, in most people’s opinions, are either in-favor of the decision or are totally against it. In this situation, one might argue that the women should have been angry that someone would do this to a child, while others might say that they gave sympathy for the grieving mother. Ignorantly, Anthony was viewed in an interview as a witness rather than a suspect; therefore, everything she said was for the sole purpose of collecting …show more content…
On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony is found not guilty of child abuse or manslaughter of a child, however, she is guilty of providing four counts of false information to law enforcement. For her false information charges, Anthony is given four years in prison and a fine for each count. On August 12, 2011, for check fraud, Casey Anthony must serve a year of probation. “Anthony was acquitted of the murder charge, but found herself loathed by the general public” (Biography 1). The general public recognized the unfairness of the verdict because many saw that the case was viewed in a deceiving perspective. Many agree that she was looked at as a mother who was hurt by the loss of her child instead of the main suspect in her daughter’s