------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS PAGE
introduction 3 literature review 4 swot analysis 4 external factors 4 organizational structures 5 hofstede’s theory 5 cultural elements 5 motivation 6 danone’s analysis 7 I- strategic analysis 7 1- DANONE’s industry 7 2- swot analysis 8 3- exploring new opportunities 11 II- organizational analysis 12 1- external factors 12 2- DANONE’s organizational strucure 13 3- home country’s culture impact 15 4- DANONE’s motivational system 16 conclusion and recommendations 18 bibliography 19 appendices 21
------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION
We have chosen the group DANONE because it is a world-famous leading French group, which is often recognised for its management leadership. DANONE is a food-products multinational corporation based in Paris. It is the world leader in fresh dairy products, 2nd in bottled water and baby food and European leader in clinical nutrition. Being a leader in these 4 segments corresponding to the heavy trends of consumption and deriving more than 50% of its turnover from developing countries have helped the Group to secure a 6,9 % growth in 2010 despite the down turn of world economy. It is obvious that to be able to be successful on these highly competitive markets, a company owes to apply a good strategy. The group is also supported by an effective communication and by a strong involvement in Research and development where they spend 1% of their global turn over. But above all these, with its fast development in emerging countries often through joint ventures and its switch in 2007 of 40% of its activities from biscuits to baby and clinical food,
Bibliography: - David Buchanan and Andrzej Huczynski (2004) Organizational Behaviour. (5th Ed.) FT Prentice Hall. - Bauer and Erdogan (2009) Organizational Behaviour - Tatum, M. (2010). What is SWOT Analysis? Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-swot-analysis.htm (Accessed: 10 November 2011) - DANONE (2011). Our company. Available at: http://www.danone.com/en/company/introduction.html (Accessed: 10 November 2011) - Groupe DANONE (2011). Historical background. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupe_Danone (Accessed: 10 November 2011) - L’Ecole de Paris du management (2005) – Danone se raconte des histoires, une version latine du Knowledge management Franck Mougin interview. Available at: http://ecole.org/seminaires/FS1/SEM190/VA010405.pdf/view (Accessed: 12 November 2011) - LEXPRESS.fr (2006). Donner du sens au travail. Available at: http://www.lexpress.fr/emploi-carriere/laquo-donner-du-sens-au-travail-raquo_479442.html (Accessed: 15 November 2011) - LEFIGARO.fr – Economie (2011). Danone s’essaie au bar à yaourt. Available at: http://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/2011/07/14/04015-20110714ARTFIG00454-danone-s-essaie-a-la-restauration-rapide.php (Accessed: 13 November 2011) - Le Journal du Net (2010). DANONE. Available at: http://www.journaldunet.com/danone/ (Accessed: 13 November 2011) - Web & Luxe – digital luxury magazine (2010). Myevian.com: la personalisation est aussi chez Evian. Available at: http://www.webandluxe.com/08/2010/myevian-com-la-personnalisation-est-aussi-chez-evian/ (Accessed: 13 November 2011) - Bloc-Notes de Bertrand Duperrin (2008). Comment DANONE fait de sa culture un levier de performance. Available at: http://www.duperrin.com/2008/04/21/comment-danone-fait-de-sa-culture-un-levier-de-performance/ (Accessed: 14 November 2011)