
Boys And Girls Club Movement

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Boys And Girls Club Movement
The Boys and Girls Club is a national organization that has devoted all of its years to helping underprivileged kids achieve their full potentials. The mission to help these children isn't a simple one on its own, and cannot be titled as a single movement. The Boys and Girls Club operates for the purpose of accomplishing the goals of many movements all together. Helping children is a general concept that many people are interested in. In order to succeed in helping children, one must work under the many movements geared to this end goal. Just to name a few, some of those movements are focused on keeping teenagers out of jail cells, decreasing gang involvement, reduce the likelihood of teen pregnancy, increase in-school participation and GPA’s. …show more content…
There was a visible shift in culture during this time and many advertisers took this as a chance to target young children. Brands such as, McDonalds, Fruity Pebbles, Hot Pocket, Ring-Pop, Reese’s and many more were the main brands targeting children in the 90s. As a result, there was a dramatic increase in the number of children that were overweight and obese. Unfortunately, there wasn't much action against the epidemic until 2010. That year, Michelle Obama launched her campaign “Let’s Move” which then sparked the development of the nonprofit, Partnership for a Healthier America. This organization works with, but is separate from the “Let’s Move” campaign and the Boys and Girls Club began it’s involvement later in the process. The Club established an alliance with First Lady Michelle’s campaign and the nonprofit soon after their creation. However, in relation to the movement as a whole, the club joined about three decades after childhood obesity became a problem. I think this was because a lot of people weren't talking about the issue and thus not giving it the attention that it needed. As a result, the club fell victim to silencing the problem and not working to address it. Nevertheless, the Boys and Girls Club involvement to help children become educated on the movement has been successful. This is something that I will discuss further in my research paper, but there are many factors that have gone into the Boys and Girls Club’s involvement in the childhood obesity

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