A big bonus in going to college is the end results, which is making more money as a graduate. Everybody wants money and everybody needs it. Students out of college who have earned their degree have a higher chance of getting a higher salary than a student with just a high school diploma or G.E.D. As the years go on a high school diploma will be worth less and…
Going to college is a decision every high school graduate has to make. Although it can be expensive, the outcome is worth it. College graduates can have higher paying jobs, gain independence, and come out healthier and happier. These all are necessities for a successful lifestyle. College is a few years of hard work for a brighter…
Students who choose to go to college in the fall after graduation have an opportunity to better their education right away and may have more time to do so. When waiting a few years, a student may have other obligations that prevent them from going full time and being done sooner. Going to college after high school gives students the opportunity to receive a higher education in a field of their choice. Students have many resources when going to college immediately, such as libraries, professional documents, and their professors. High school…
The article “The Return of the Overeducated American?” by William R. Doyle shows the two sides of the argument on the topic if college is worth the cost. The labor market data confirms that individuals with higher level of education earn more even if its the same occupation as the high school graduates. According to Doyle, students with a higher education develop intellectual and communication skills which benefits them because they are able to become managers of businesses. College graduates also have greater potential for promotions which increases their income allowing them to provide a better lifestyle for themselves and their family. Individuals work their way up within most fields because higher positions are more well paid. On the other…
People who argue that college is worth it focus on the advantages of higher incomes and enhanced social mobility and diversity. They contend that college graduates have higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more work benefits than high school graduates.…
On the other hand, college may be not worth it. Think about how many countless useless degrees out there that you can spend four plus years of your life and spend a great deal of money for it. MD wrote in the article When College is Not Worth The Money and he said, “Most fields don’t even require you to hold a degree. Your dream career path might not even require a degree.” This is true because most jobs will teach you…
College is worth the cost because it's like a ticket to a good life .One reason why college is worth the cost is college helps you get a good paid job. For example good paying jobs want educated people not people who didn't graduate high school. Also when you get your bachelor's degree most jobs will want you. A second reason why college is worth the cost is people who did graduate from from college earn more money in your lifetime than people who didn't go to college. A second example is college will help you get a well payed job. A third reason why college is worth the cost is education will be more important in the future. For example in 2028 there will be more 1,000 jobs for people who graduated college.…
Most people wonder whether college education is worth the money or not. I’m here to tell you that it is. People say that it isn’t worth it because of the cost, or not knowing what their career is, but it sure is worth it. College is worth the expense because you will learn so many life skills, you can be educated in any area you want, and you will have a fun experience.…
Is college worth the cost or not? That is the question many high school graduates are asking. The answer to that question can be given by analyzing the sources given. College is worth the cost to at least eighty percent of all high school graduates because students are far less likely to be unemployed and people with a degree make more money than people without one. But others may disagree.…
College is worth it because taking a college is worth it. College give you many benefits and career opportunities when you have a college degree. This info is valid because it explains how taking college will increase your opportunities in life. Therefore College is worth it.…
First, college education is important because you make more money. College graduates make 415$ more a week than those who highest level of education is a diploma. 2.4% the unemployment rate for workers with a professional degree was also the lowest of any education level. So going to college can help you financially even though college is expensive.…
Is college worth it? Well, in my opinion, college for me is not even a goal, but a dream in my eyes. The advantages of a college degree in the job market today are pretty much priceless. I can go to college and look forward to the endless possibilities of my future. According to Lucie Lapovsky an economist for strategic financial issues, over 62% of high school graduates can’t afford college. Even though college could be expensive, I think happiness overcomes price. After graduating, I can focus on a certain direction and change career paths when needed. A college degree can also get me educated and prepared for the career path I will choose in the future. Even though my family isn’t rich, I can afford college by applying for financial aid…
College is a place for higher education. Many people go there for further study every year. Meanwhile, plenty of people skip college or drop out of college. Sort of people believe college is not worth because it cost too much. Most people think college is worth because you will able to get a good job when you holding a degree. Yes, because being a college graduate can help you gain more than the money you spent to pay for college.…
Deciding to go to college right after high school or waiting a few years can be a difficult choice to make. Going to college right after high school in most ways is more beneficial. There are also a few factors to take in at this point in someone’s life. For instance, a person’s mindset, goals, maturity levels, and influences. Being young and experiencing a new found freedom can really affect a person’s mind set. Like being invited to go to a house party at the last minute even though there is a test the next day. Saying no, and staying in would be the responsible and mature thing to do, but at 18 who wouldn’t rather party? Some goals are go to college, land a great career, get married, and then have kids. Waiting a few years to go to…
Many people agree to disagree on college. There are plenty of people who do not attend college, and they find their way to the top. College gives you the extended learning skills that employers will look for when you're finding a job. The authors repeatedly express several statistics, including, “14 percent of people with a high school diploma make at least as much as those with a bachelor’s degree, and 17 percent of people with a bachelor’s degree make more than those with a professional degree.” This statistic also all depends on the major you want to pursue your career in. The choices a student makes about his or her field of study and later in a job can have a substantial impact on what he or she gets out of her degree…