I recognize the problem immigrants cause in the United States. But Immigrants “taking our jobs” is not something we have to be against. If an American said that their country is not to his or her liking, and moved to another country that may seem beneficial to them. How would it be bad for them to find a job or career in the so called country and for them to be looked down upon because they were not born there. It is not anyone's fault where or how they were born, but it is their choice on where or how they want to live. If countries are turning down immigrants because they want to have a job and provide for themselves and family how are they setting a good face for their …show more content…
It is understood that jobs are still being “taken away” from Americans that want the so called jobs. But because immigrants don’t ask for much they are chosen over the ones that ask to get paid more. And a lot sees unfairness in this, but consumers are not going to pay a mass load if they don’t have to. The one thing I absolutely do not stand on side with is the fact that illegal immigrants are getting jobs because they definitely don’t ask to get paid a lot of money, that is unfair. Not all consumers play a fair game. So if immigrants are going to come to America, it should be the responsibility of the country and the person, him or herself, to check the layout on coming to a