It is apparent that some immigrants have a vastly different mindset and belief system and while that's not always bad, these beliefs could come from a more hateful and close minded world. These ideas can range from the nice ones like recipes and song and dance, to some more hateful like homophobia and sexism. This claim can be backed up with a large 53% of british muslims saying that homophobia should be illegal. Also with the word of the muslim …show more content…
The main example I use is the horrible Charlie Hebdo attacks, where a satirical magazine drew “unflattering” pictures of the prophet of the muslim faith, Muhammed, and where killed my muslim extremist. While these were acts done by extremist yes, the whole debacle (before and after the murders) caused a huge shake up in the muslim community, where thousands of people protested the building for their freedom of art and expression. This is also mirrored by a texas draw muhammed competition (whether or not it's in poor taste is irrelevant) where 2 armed gunmen tried to fire at the building before being promptly shot. I solely wish to introduce immigrants to our fair and justice laws so an incident can never happen