
Andy Dufresne In Shawshank Redemption

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Andy Dufresne In Shawshank Redemption
The biggest challenge in life is for a person to be them-self in a world that's constantly trying to make them the same as everyone else. This is a problem that plagues much of humanity, let alone those in the closed confines prison. Whether a man's been there for two day or two years, innocent or guilty, it becomes evident that the rehabilitation they were promised is nonexistent; instead, they realize that they have been removed from society never to return. This realization has a profound impact on the inmates and strips them of their sanity, however occasionally there is a person who is able to buck that trend and restore hope. Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption, by Rita Hayworth, is one of the few Christ figures that was able to restore hope to an entire nation. Andy arrived at Shawshank Penitentiary as a thirty-year-old man who had allegedly murder his wife, Linda Collins Dufresne, and her …show more content…
Andy`s story is one about redemption, he did not let himself get dragged down the to life of a prison inmate, rather he sought to offer hope for those around him; he reestablished and created a Library which would be used to help educate inmates, he crushed the Sisters reign of terror, and he bridge prisons class system. Basically, Andy became a Christ figure for Shawshank Penitentiary since he came as framed innocent, did his time and helped everyone, and then left. He basically spent thirty years living out his life in a similar, yet different way than Jesus did; he came, he served, he redeemed, and continued on. Basically, Andy was a living example of John F. Kennedy`s words about conforming to others expectations, “ Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth”. He refused to give up on his dreams and after thirty plus years he was able to make those dreams a

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