The short story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the journey
and maturation of the protagonist Goodman Brown in Salem, Massachusetts during the 1800s.
Through this journey, he is accompanied by an evil character who is portrayed as the devil
himself. Together, Goodman Brown begins to question his faith as the devil shows him the true
nature of the people whom he loved and cared about. The events of this so called journey or
dream leaves him in a frozen emotional state by the end of it. He wonders whether what he
experienced was true, contemplating who is good or evil.
Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism as it is evident throughout the story which reveals …show more content…
Both of the names are symbolic and also resemble their
personalities. Being a Puritan, Goodman Brown is a man of God and resists any temptation
against evil. As he cried out, “With heaven above and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against
the devil”(8). Fitting with his name, his strength of being the good man relates to his character
and his faith in God. On the other hand, his wife Faith has a name that appropriately fits her true
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nature. Hawthorne writes, “Faith as the wife aptly name, thrust her own pretty head into the
street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons of her cap while she called to Goodman
Brown” (3). Another type of symbolism given here is the pink ribbons that Faith is wearing as
it symbolizes purity and faith. An example of foreshadowing is also given when he leaves
Faith and his own faith for his errand. She tells him, “Pray tarry with me this night, dear
husband, of all nights in the year” (3). His wife has a feeling that this so called errand he