Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book that should be taught in a high school student’s education because of the warnings and important messages it displays. In my opinion, the most important message in the book has to do with the misuse of technology. Bradbury even says himself that technology can be useful in some ways, but that it can’t and shouldn’t replace human connection and interaction. He uses the example of TV’s on all four walls to get his point across that people are paying more attention to TV, rather than actual people speaking to them. This repeatedly happens with Mildred throughout the book and it helps flip a switch in Montag’s head. He finally realizes that’s not how human interaction is supposed to work. It propels
Montag into beginning to think for himself and find his true identity, which I believe is the second most important message in F451. Thinking and acting for yourself is a right every human being should possess. High school students should continue to read this book so they get some knowledge on how people might one day lose their identity to the government and technology. In the book, all Montag needed to realize he had lost his identity was Clarisse. Even though Montag though she was a little weird, he knew that she was truly happy because of the freedom of thought and action she had, something he lacking. Why is F451 one of the most banned books in America? All current and future students should read this book because it sends a warning to our future generation on what society we might one day become.
Montag into beginning to think for himself and find his true identity, which I believe is the second most important message in F451. Thinking and acting for yourself is a right every human being should possess. High school students should continue to read this book so they get some knowledge on how people might one day lose their identity to the government and technology. In the book, all Montag needed to realize he had lost his identity was Clarisse. Even though Montag though she was a little weird, he knew that she was truly happy because of the freedom of thought and action she had, something he lacking. Why is F451 one of the most banned books in America? All current and future students should read this book because it sends a warning to our future generation on what society we might one day become.