Arriving home from school, being picked up by his neighbors, “At two o’ clock our neighbors drove me home”(3). He heard the devastating news that someone died in his family. Upon arriving home, “In the porch I met my crying father”(4), showed how death can causes so much trauma and confusion. His father crying,…
Nothing reveals the true meaning of life until it is taken away. Death being the hardest, most tragic and life spiralling event, it can leave many people lost. For me it was exactly that, when I heard the tragic news of the death of my role model, my best friend, my only brother, it tore me apart. The death of my brother allowed me to put everything in perspective. Opening my eyes to the real world, to see beyond what is just happening right in front of me. With my freshman year of high school just starting with enough to deal with, this topped it all. I was lost. No time to say a simple “goodbye”.…
In the article “West of The Most Western Point”, Dr Manfred Wolf relates the accidental drowning of a friend when we was 12 year old. He explains how much this experience affected him and how he felt during this bereavement time. Speaking to a counselor to express his feelings about this traumatic experience didn’t feel the right approach to deal with his grief because “some things are too deep for speech and too irrevocable for mediation”. Adults might naturally look to speak to their children to reassure them and embrace their suffering in order to help them coping with their emotions. But because sorrow is a normal behavior for a children when grieving, adults should leave the time to children to deal with their emotions instead of trying…
The stages of grief are common for all human beings. Once experiencing a tragic loss, or trauma, many of us go through steps that help us except what has happened and to move on. Some of these stages last longer than others, depending on how the person follows each stage. In this paper, we will cover the different stages of grief and how author Nicholas Wolterstorff reflections in the book of Lament For a Son impacted his life.…
Judy Blume once said, “Some changes happen deep down inside you and the truth is, only you know about them.” Freud’s concepts in his 1917 work Mourning and Melancholia offer possibilities of thinking about change and loss in different ways and at different levels. In this paper I shall explore the idea that mourning rather than melancholia must occur throughout all developmental stages of life in order to reach a healthy and peaceful time in your life where the concept of loss can be fully accepted and understood. To support this I shall present and explain how it is crucial to mourn childhood, adolescence, and adulthood to move acceptably and steadily through life and not remain melancholic, or fixated, in any particular life stage finding…
The Lovely Bones is written by Alice SeBold and is about a young girl named Susie who was brutally murdered by her next door neighbor, Mr. Harvey. No one suspected Mr. Harvey in the beginning, but with Susie’s help from the beyond, he became the lead suspect. Susie began to send clues to her family from heaven, but the problem was that only her father, brother and sister could connect with her and feel her presence. This problem expanded quickly and because of it, tore the family apart. Abigail, Susie’s mother, became the one torn from the family. Abigail dealt with Susie’s death differently than everyone else in the Salmon family. Abigail’s grieving process was slower than everyone else’s grieving process. Abigail becomes the antagonist in the novel and becomes the one character that can’t face Susie’s death.…
“The Unmothered” by Ruth Margalit was an article written in The New Yorker about what it was like losing her mother. Margalit’s mother was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer after thinking she had a cough and a “pulled” muscle in her leg. After her mother’s diagnosis she began to think somewhat selfishly, “The truth is, I was thinking, selfishly, about myself. That my mother would never see me marry. That she would not know my children. That the following summer I would turn twenty-eight -her lucky number- and she might not be there” (Margalit). According to Margalit, she believes that she experienced both anticipatory grief, mourning before death, and delayed grief, a postponed reaction to the death. She explains that the day her mother was diagnosed she grieved. Right after Margalit began graduate school at Columbia she received a call from her sister saying that her mother was getting sick very quickly, she knew she needed to get home as fast as she could. Margalit later was thinking about her grieving process and realized that she didn’t experience delayed grief but rather that “grief keeps odd hours,…
Karen Van Der Zee’s “A Secret Sorrow” is a novel that definitely knows how to play with words. Its writing is dramatic and intensely emotional, moving quickly from soft words to shouts of anger. This might be an intense and gripping moment for some, but I was put off by its generic, soap style plot. Faye does not want to tell Kai that she cannot have children, but after refusing to marry, Kai is persistent to get at the truth. The style and content of the novel’s writing definitely caught my attention. It has a great use of loud tones and catchy lines. Some will enjoy Kai telling Faye that she is “’Not a damaged piece of merchandise, you hear? You’re a living, breathing human being, a warm-blooded female, and I love you’.”(135) It’s when I'm sucked in that this novel falls apart. The plot is overly simplistic. The characters are bland and lifeless. Faye lacks female leadership, confidence, and anything else of interest, which leads to groans whenever she talks of how she “can’t live all [her] life with [Kais] regret and disappointment’” “‘every time [they’re] with somebody else’s children She’ll feel She’s failed [Kai]!” It was a good ride, but in the end, I feel unsatisfied. A Secret Sorrow will please those who don’t mind the intense soap style drama, but if a person doesn’t like romance, this won’t change her mind.…
As time passes and as the world shifts, people pass away and they never come back. People who are left on the world, now without the others’ presence, must live with knowing they will never get to see them again and that now all they have left is the memories of when their loved ones were still around. Judd Mulvaney has the realisation and through it, the reader is able to see how he is caring and innocent. His naivety is something not to be ashamed of, nor is it something that he should keep. He must learn about death in order to move on and live life to the fullest of his own potential. From here, he can treasure each step, each moment, and each breath, knowing that he only gets this one shot to live. And he…
Grief is a natural response to a major loss, though often deeply painful and can have a negative impact on your life. Any loss can cause varied levels of grief often when someone least expects it however, loss is widely varied and is often only perceived as death. Tugendhat (2005) argued that losses such as infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, adoption and divorce can cause grief in everyday life. Throughout our lives we all face loss in one way or another, whether it is being diagnosed with a terminal illness, loss of independence due to a serious accident or illness, gaining a criminal record (identity loss), losing our job, home or ending a relationship; we all experience loss that will trigger grief but some experiences can be less intense.…
Craig Mullaney definitely made many challenges for himself and accepted challenges from others with no questions asked. Being the thriving Valedictorian of his high school class and earning other prestigious accolades he stood out from the other entire student. But at West Point, Mullaney would be intertwined with hundreds of other classmates with the same, if not more achievements, making it seemingly impossible to be any kind of a predominant student.…
The Story of an Hour: Discuss three examples AND kinds irony used in “The Story of an Hour.” Make sure to have one example of verbal irony, one of situational irony, and one of dramatic irony.…
I’ve been told the impact of a parent’s passing can carry on for years or forever. I was my mother’s primary care giver for two years. In her last four months, along with hospice, I took care of her full time along with maintaining my full time job. She passed in her home surrounded by me and my other two siblings in January. Just three months later my dad, who was not married to my mom, died unexpectedly in his sleep. I am still in the tender times of grief from my mother’s and father’s deaths. Who would think I could fathom writing about such a sorrowful time in addition to writing about the lessons I learned from my mother’s last months and the graceful way she left this earth. I relive this not only because it is kind of…
Death was something new to me. I had never had to deal with someone close to me passing. I had experienced my friends losing a grandparent or a distant relative, but it had not affected me terribly much. I always considered myself to be lucky I had not suffered through the pain of losing someone brought. When this finally occurred, the first challenge was presented to me: accepting the fact I didn’t have a father anymore.…
Grief is a strong, sometimes overwhelming emotion felt by an individual when faced with a loss of a loved one or a personal loss, such as their health, job, or a relationship. Grief is the nature reaction to loss. Both a universal and personal experience (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Ever individual will have a different experience with grief influenced by the nature of their loss. At some point in life everyone will have a time of grieving. How the individual copes with their grief can vary, as no two people grieve in the same manner. This paper will discuss the comparisons and contrasting views as defined in the Kubler-Ross model, the five stages of grief, the story of Job in the Bible, and Buddhism regarding grief, as well as the writers preferred method of dealing with grief.…