
'Abyss Of The Birds' By Messiaen

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'Abyss Of The Birds' By Messiaen
Messiaen indicates in the score, by inserting a comma, that he wants the performers to play the entire phrase in one breath. It is often heard differently during a number of performances as clarinetists are not able to execute the entire phrase in one breath as the composer suggested. Many times, clarinetists chose to circle-breath during the beginning of the third movement in order to follow composer’s guidelines. In addition to the comma at the end of the fourth bar, Messiaen indicates breath marks throughout the entire third movement. Abyss of the birds was written in the ABA1 form, similarly to the previous movement Vocalise. The other significant technical challenge of Abîme des oiseaux is found in the variety of dynamics used by the composer throughout the entire movement. It is done so because the clarinet is the only instrument (from the entire symphony orchestra) that is able to play ppppp and fffff in all the registrars whereas other instruments struggle to produce such dynamics. …show more content…
The material of the middle section completely differs from the slow and eternal-sounding A section. However, similarly to the first movement, Messiaen wants the clarinet to imitate sounds of blackbirds flying over the abyss. Most of the passages written in the clarinet part are technically challenging. In addition, it is required that the performer to be equipped with a variety of dynamics and an overall control throughout all the registers, and to have crisp articulations that add extra pose and direction throughout the middle

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