
A Short Essay (narrative Type)

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A Short Essay (narrative Type)
An unforgettable memory which I forgot about!! (a narrative type of story)
DING DONG rang the bell. My dad came back from work tired but excited; I guess he had something in his mind. My dad told us that he was going for a business trip to Dubai but had only three tickets!!
I was extremely disappointed because I knew since I was the elder brother; I had to let Max and mom go with dad. Inevitably my dad told me that I had to stay back. I started arguing with dad but I knew I had no chance because my field trip this year from school was going to be in Dubai!!
This most unfortunate coincidence really infuriated me. I went up to my room and slammed the door and with my face stuck to the pillow I began to cry like a baby.
Before I continue let me introduce myself. My name is Daniel, I am 12 years old, and I am extremely intelligent and active. I study as an amazing 7th grader in the School for success. My mother’s name is Maria and my father’s name is Ken. I have a younger brother who studies in the same school I do, his name is Max. In my entire family the only truth is that not everyone can be as perfect as me. Sometimes I get irritated because the rest of my family takes a long time to understand my super genius brain. You might think I am over exaggerating but the truth is I’m being quite modest actually.
Any way since my little brother and my parents are going to Dubai next month I’ll have to think of something quick. I thought a million times about running away from home. I have discussed my idea with my friend Anil. I told him we could “scavenge for food and sleep in the park” and roam around all day “without having to go to school”. We could live “a life of adventure”. Just to make this quote more vivid, my eyes gleamed with excitement. I don’t know why but it didn’t quite work out. Anil told me that he and his family are going for a holiday too, so there is no way I was running away from home alone.
When dad came home from work today he told me that I was

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