
Year Round School Essay

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Year Round School Essay
When Americans think of year-round schooling, they immediately relate it to no summer vacation, which is the reason why most students and parents are negative towards the idea. Americans do not realize the advantages that year-round schooling offers. The definition of year-round schooling are schools that operate year-round, but have not increase the number of days students attend school (5). The decision to make a nine month calendar to a year-round school calendar is beneficial to parents and their children. The nine month calendar was created for children that helped their parents on the farm, which is not necessary in modern day .The amount of school days is still the same 180 days and students still get a “summer”, but it is just stretched out over a twelve-month period. During the breaks the children get to experience a helpful tutoring session called intersession.
Board of Educations around the country have been talking about year-round schooling for quite some time now. Year-round schooling first started in 1968, only one school in the country held classes through the summer (1). The year-round schooling idea seemed to become a growing trend. In 1999 2,681 public and 71 private schools followed the year-round schedule
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Since school is year-round the students that normally do not eat healthy meals during the summer can eat healthy meals at school (5). Cafeterias are open serving breakfast and lunch during the school day, and students who are “off track” can come in and eat the meals the school provided that day (2). Year-round schooling is beneficial for students with low-income families (6). Students with low-income made similar achievement gains just like the other students during the school year (6). Year-round schooling offers breaks throughout the year, which creates flexibility for students, teachers, and parents (1). The breaks give opportunities to take shorter vacations

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