
Writing 120 Reflection

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Writing 120 Reflection
Writing 120 was an interesting experience for me. Going into the semester I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I didn’t know what to expect, knowing how to write, but not knowing certain concepts and different ways I can grow as a communicator. It seems since I have been in the course, my writing and the way I communicate through writing has improved. As we first started reading Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing, I found it interesting that it was a comic book. Even though it was a comic book, the book helps the readers understand the concept of rhetoric and the process of writing. While in the course Writing 120, not only did I learn how to become a better writer, but I learned how to do better research and in the book …show more content…
The author helps readers while reading by displaying examples and talk about the conventions. While reading I found one thing that was stated interesting and that was, “Some genres that are designed for particular purposes and audience may seem pretty alien to outsiders”(Issue 7). What this quote means to me is that some genres are designed for certain people, but if an outsider looks at that exact genre then they could be confused at what’s going …show more content…
After the first few units, I was getting a clearer visual of what learning styles can be considered as. Learning styles are defined as the different ways in which people learn. Some people have one or two different learning methods. Not only did I find out what type of learning styles can be learned, I figured out what learning styles I have. My preferred learning style is Kinesthetic/Visual. A Kinesthetic/Visual learning has helped me to process new information in my school setting. Knowing and understanding my preferred learning style allows me to be flexible and take responsibility for my learning. This Writing 120 course helped me understand different modes of writing. The different modes that I’ve learned were Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. While communicating with people around you, we use these key terms which are effective while communicating. Ethos is used when a speaker is trying to convince the audience about something, and talks heavily about his/her beliefs. Pathos is used when authors express emotions throughout their context. When using Logos, it’s often used when writers try to persuade the audience for any

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