Fall 2014 Syllabus
World Religions: Western HI 1010F02
Monday, Wednesday 1pm–2:40pm
New Academic Building 1109
PAPER ASSIGNMENT 2 OF 3 Consider these questions as you write a paper reflecting on your reading of the Gospels and the Koran: 1. What evidence is there in the Gospels that Jesus has come to affirm the “Law” and the “Prophets” (i.e. the Tanakh), to invite others to follow them, and warn those who do not of a coming judgment? Is Jesus the promised Messiah of the Jews? 2. Which views of Jesus on justice, property, the family, ritual, the relationship between spirit and flesh, and the “kingdom of God” stand in tension with the Tanakh? How serious is this tension and in what way would you propose to resolve or explain it? 3. What is the view of Jesus in the Koran? Compare to Christ figure of the Gospels. 4. What do you know about the medium and manner of the “revelation” of the Koran to Muhammad? Do you think that he just made it all up? Why or why not? 5. What view of Justice does the Koran set forth in its injunctions defining various crimes and specifying the punishments proper to them? How does this relate to the
Torah or “the Law” of Moses? Address specific laws pertaining to crime and punishment, property rights (including the permissibility of slavery), the status of women, proper family relations, key rituals, and personal faith. 6. What does the Koran say about the fallibility of prophets, including Muhammad, as compared to its own infallibility and completeness? Explain in detail, with citations! 7. What is the problem with Islamic Mysticism? Relate this to Manichean Christianity. The grading rubric (also listed on the syllabus) consists of four criteria, each 25%: 1) constructive citation of assigned texts; 2) attentiveness to inclass lectures; 3) internal consistency and coherence; 4) creativity, or insightful originality (use of the