
Women's Roles In Beowulf

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Women's Roles In Beowulf
To begin with, at first sight it only seems as though the women in Beowulf have minor roles. After having a deeper understanding of the epic, one learns that this is not true. While grasping this idea, we see that women play strong and quite important roles in the heroic poem. We are presented with several women in the text, yet the two most crucial being Wealhtheow, who is Hrothgar’s wife and the queen of the Danes, and Hygd, who is Hygelac’s wife and the queen of the Geats. Many would believe these women’s roles aren’t as important in Beowulf considering they are not the main focus of this story, regardless they have important roles within the story. Early on, the emphasis on Wealhtheow is shown in the hall. There is a big significance in the fact that it is her, who carries the mead …show more content…
Wealhtheow first offers it to her husband, Hrothgar and follows by offering it to Beowulf. This demonstrates that this woman has the skill and intelligence to make decisions for the court. She honours Beowulf by passing him the cup, which symbolises Wealtheow placing enormous responsibility on him. This symbol represents that he has been called upon to protect her citizens. She also has the exclusive role of the ring and gift giver, unique only to her. This means she is the one who can grant Beowulf with repayment for having killed Grendel. Even though it is her husband, Hrothgar who guarantees Beowulf with fortune if he succeeds, it is her decision what he will receive. While taking all of these things into consideration, there is a scene that portrays her as being a very powerful woman in their society. This takes place during the celebration of Grendel’s death. Wealtheow stand infront of the entire hall to greet the warriors and praise Beowulf for upholding his end of the agreement. This is done while the cup and gifts are being given to him. While delivering her speech, she affirms that all must obey her wishes just as they do for Hrothgard, since they are of equally high

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