
Women's Role In Ancient Greek Society

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Women's Role In Ancient Greek Society
The common view in ancient societies was often that this was a world of men; that women were inferior. There is often debate on the role of women in society, but in reality, women play an important role in any type of society, whether it be good or bad. Women in ancient Greece, China, and the Roman Empire were able to exercise influence into their culture despite the discrimination toward them. Although each society was different, women shared similar influences in their power, and restrictions in the aspect of marriage. Although most of these ancient cultures viewed women similarly, of these three locations, the women in the Roman Empire had it best. In Ancient Greece, there were often split views on women, which could be categorized into …show more content…
The increasing role of women in the ancient Greek society can be revealed between the fall of Athens in 404 BC and the rise of Alexander the Great in 330 BC. These transformations occurred due to the effects of the Peloponnesian War, which was a 30 year conflict that brought down Athens. In response to the increased poverty due to the war, Greek women had to start working outside of their home in order to help their society. According to Demosthenes, a writer in the fourth century, women now worked as nurses, wool-workers, and grape-pickers for the city. In Athens, women became visible and appeared as the center in the discussion of sexual and political equality. In addition, the also were very prominent in the law courts, on issues regarding citizenship …show more content…
Although women did not have a direct voice in politics, women were starting to be seen as a crucial component in the growth of the city-state Athens due to the increased need for population (Scott). Although they were starting to be recognized for their need in population growth, women still did not freedom. In the household, the women were required to take care of the children and slaves, while the men went to work and took care of the

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