
Women's Rights In The 19th Century

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Women's Rights In The 19th Century
We live in a society founded by the belief that we need to show how we differ ourselves

from others. Most people want to be considered exclusive in some way at some point of our life.

Welke talks about these Borders of Belonging and how we create frames for people, not to

include them, but to exclude them. The simplest and most common of these borders include race,

gender, and ability.

For the issue of race, borders were created by excluding non-white people. Particularly in

the nineteenth century, during this time slavery was abolished, but that does not mean different

races were treated well. While slavery was illegal, black codes and Jim Crowe laws prevented

African Americans from being accepted in to society. Many former slaves
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were judged based on their race assumed to be less of person; society believed anyone who was

not white was not as intelligent or physically able as they were.

Gender is another factor in creating borders to exclude people for society. Women were

considered inferior to men in many ways, leaving half of the population to be considered less

competent. For example, women were expected to stay at home, keeping house and raising the

children while men went out to make the money the family needed to survive. Due to this,

women pressured not only to get married, but also to marry someone who would be able to

support her and allow her live an easier life. Due to this expectation, after being married many

women were judged on what their husband. They were only as good as their husband was,

because they could have married someone else. Women are also considered more emotional

men, excluding them from certain civic duties. For example, women were not allowed to serve

on a jury until the mid-twentieth century. This limitation slowed the process of women being

accepted and seen as an equal in society, since this was one more thing that was only for

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