The First Amendment
Brenda Zarate
Brenda Zarate
U.S History
September 18, 2014
Period 4 There are 10 amendments in our bill of rights; they all serve for important purposes, but The first amendment; I’m going to discuss are freedom of speech, right to bear arms, limits power of the federal government, protects rights not enumerated in the constitution, protects prohibited bail excess, right to trial by jury, right to due process, prohibits forced quartering of soldiers, and prohibits unreasonable searches without warrant. These 10 amendments are what make the constitution work today. The first amendment is the Freedom of religion, speech, and press which protects the right of assembles …show more content…
Also, I believe that people should be heard, it is necessary to separate the people differently, because there could be religious wars. Many believe that the best ways to solve this problem was to have the freedom to say whatever they wish to say. Religious wars would break out because people would like to choose their religion. Freedom of the press is important also because people would like to know what was going on in the world. The freedom of the press is important because we will be able to know things that we didn’t know before. The founding fathers made it clear that we have the right to say whatever we want and believe in any religion we would like to believe in. This is a good amendment because everyone has their opinions about things and it’s not right to take that privilege of choosing their religion away. The most important to me, as a catholic, is god and I believe that if I weren’t able to choose my religion, I wouldn’t be happy. Many could argue with me but this is my opinion, and I believe that this is a good amendment. In my opinion, people should separate themselves with people because they would start many religious wars. These wars are unnecessary because people should be able to choose who they want to worship, who they want to believe in. This right is a ticket to freedom and will help our society in many different ways. We say things today that people used to say and we don’t get in trouble, this is a start but we have a long way to go, people are still getting punished for things they say or things they put on the internet, however, it is the beginning to a new stage in our nation. Our society has changed, for the better and for the worst, but our society is preparing for the perfect