
Why I Do Not Set My Life Due To Fear

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Why I Do Not Set My Life Due To Fear
I believe Shakespeare’s quotation, “Why, what should be the fear? I do not set my life at a pin’s fee” (I. iiii. 64-65) by Hamlet, is one really worth tattooing. I think it essentially means, do not miss out on an opportunity in life due to fear, because death is an inevitable ending to everyone’s life regardless. This quotation is one that has made an impact on my life, and inspired me since the day I read it. This may not be as extreme as risking your life, but a common regret for many people such as myself, is not taking a chance due to the fact you may fail or embarrass yourself. But the thing is, if you never take the chance, you will never know how it would have turned out and it could be life changing! After reading Hamlet, every time I contemplate not doing or saying something due to the fear of failure or embarrassment, I take the chance anyways and honestly I have not looked back since. …show more content…

In Act 5, Scene 1, Hamlet knowingly risks his life by presenting himself at Ophelia’s funeral in front of Claudius and Laertes. Claudius wanted Hamlet dead because he knew about Claudius’ betrayal of King Hamlet, and Laertes wanted Hamlet dead because Hamlet accidentally killed Polonius thinking it was Claudius. This is truly inspirational because Hamlet risked the probable odds of death just to express his true love for Ophelia and make things right, even though she was already dead. In the end of the play, Hamlet ended up dying due to this choice, but I bet he died without a single regret, and that is the way it should

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