
Why Did The Us Become Involved In The Vietnam War

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Why Did The Us Become Involved In The Vietnam War
In the course of the Vietnam War, there have been many different factors why the USA became increasingly involved. One reason included how they believed it would be a ‘simple’ war to fight and for that reason, they would have the ability to easily win plus the war would not continue on for too long.

Additionally they desired to contain communism as they believed they might be capable to stop the growth of communism within Asia. In order to help retain communism, they believed in the ‘domino theory’. Their arrogance also contributed to US being increasingly engaged with the war.

One significant good reason that America became increasingly involved in the Vietnam War was containment. This was arranged to contain the spread of communism. In which the U.S government (Presidents Truman, Kennedy Johnson and Eisenhower) followed. USA feared communism and were troubled of communism finding its way to Vietnam. This became a section of the ‘Domino Theory’ they believed in (put forward by John Foster Dulles). They considered that
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The government had underestimated the enemy, leading them to believe they could easily defeat the communists. Vietnam experienced a strong will to rid their country of foreign rulers and The U.S presidents were not ready to lose. However, simply because of the increasing pressure from the military industrial complex arms industry, the U.S got stuck in what was referred to as a ‘Guerrilla Warfare’. Strategies which the Vietcong used included attacking as soon as the enemy tires, retreat whenever the enemy attacks, pursue the moment the enemy retreats and raid when the enemy tires. The guerrilla tactics they used caused it to be impossible to defeat Vietnam. Due to the fact the U.S government were being so over confident and believing they could easily defeat Vietnam, this made America prove to be a lot more engaged with the

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