
Why Did The Collapse Of The Middle Ages

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Why Did The Collapse Of The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages were affected greatly by economic improvement, the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Bubonic Plague, which ultimately collapsed the feudal system and forced Europeans to become more independent through a secular way of thinking. The Middle Ages took place in Europe from around 476 A.D. to the beginning of the Renaissance period in the 14th century. Under the protection of the Roman Catholic Church, feudal society was gradually formed, which relied on an exchange of land and protection. The Roman Catholic Church had the most power and relied on taxes, or tithes, which were collected from everyone who resided and worked on the plot of land. Although the positive economic change and corruption had a major impact …show more content…

The Mongols brought the plague to Europe because of their famous practice of hurling infected bodies over the walls of enemy cities in an attempt to infect them. In the city of Kaffa, which was controlled by Genoese traders (Class Powerpoint, Mongols Bring Plague to Europe), the traders traveled to Italy, spreading the bubonic plague across Europe. The worst symptoms were “...swellings in the groin or under the armpit…” and “...a gush of blood from the nose,” (Black Death Packet, “The Signs of Impending Death). The plague was highly contagious, causing social disaster. According to Giovanni Boccacio, an Italian author, “One citizen avoided another, hardly any neighbour troubled about others, relatives never or hardly ever visited each other,” (Boccacio, Giovanni). Naturally, people wondered what was causing the plague. The main focus at this time was religious beliefs and spirituality. Some people turned to blaming other cultures, and “In Europe, the Jews were blamed for poisoning the wells,” (Black Death Packet, “Who Was to Blame?”). Jews were also mass-murdered and tortured into confessing to causing this horrible disease through their “incorrect” beliefs. Others sought help from the Roman Catholic Church, hoping that God would have an answer and that their dedication and support would be returned to them in the form of help. This was definitely not the case. “The church had no answers.” (Black Death Packet, “Blame”) and could not explain what was happening. The church also focused on helping the wealthy first, with whatever help they could give, which outraged peasants and lower-class people who had performed difficult, laborious tasks for the Roman Catholic Church their entire lives and given most of their wages to the

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