
Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Who Is Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall
Argument #3 Paragraph #3: Macbeth will now do anything to survive and avoid fate, as it has been easier for him to commit immoral deeds. He has murdered many to achieve his standing as king all the while losing sight of right and wrong. He has become twisted and evil which is identified throughout the play. He loses his sense of what’s true and what’s false heavily relying on the witches prophesies, as they state that no man bore of woman could kill Macbeth. At this point it seems as if overconfidence will be his hubris along with ambition.
Point #1: His confidence was one of his main personality trait that progressed along with the play, from a valiant, brave hero’s confidence to the overconfidence relying on fate.
Evidence for Point #1: Hecate appears in act three furious with the witches, and plans to trick Macbeth by setting him up against himself. This is evident in the lines of “Shall draw him on to his confusion: He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear. He hopes 'bove wisdom, grace and fear: And you all know, security Is mortals' chiefest enemy.”(3.5.30-34)
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Point #2: Macbeth begins to see ghosts with the witches, who reassure him that no man would be able to kill him. Macbeth, satisfied with what the witches say, decide that he cannot take the risk of keeping Macduff

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