
Who Is George Washington A Hero

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Who Is George Washington A Hero
An amazing leader, the first American patriot and a vision are one of the few words to describe George Washington. When his name is said many Americans will instantly think of him as a great leader or a great hero, but what they don't know is that he wasn’t born with those attributes and if a few events had played out differently we might have never knowed who he was. Luckily there's a, riveting, piece of literature called The Ascent of George Washington by John Ferling. Mr. Ferlling intelligently used many soucres to write his book which include George Washington: The Virgina Period pulished by Duke University and The Invention of George Washington written by the University of California.This book is separated into three distinct parts, that …show more content…
One instance was,at the time of the second continental congress Washington had been nominated to head a national army. Though, many people saw and believed him to be a good leader, others though that he might use the army to become a dictator. He eventually put all those worries to rest when he reminded everyone that when he became a soldier he "did not lay aside the citizen" . Washington was also a very opinionated person and objected a notion from congress that would postpone iron workers from serving in the army.Washington had been very perseverant to show himself and the rest of the people that he had become a force to be reckoned …show more content…
For instance after the Battle of Yorktown there was still no reassurance that Great Britain would let things be because of their broken pride by military defeat. So, Washington suggested that every state have their quota of men ready just in case the British would try to seek revenge and get back their lost “honor”. This obviously showed that he was a very cautions man. During his first term as president his priorities which consisted of the following reestablishing a stable currency and work on the nation debt. He also wanted to open up the lands west to the settlers though in protest of the Treaty of Paris the British had still not withdrawn their troops and he also had to deal with the Native Americans, who lived on that land,. Though tensions with Great Britain were a bit high at this point he wanted to renormalize the relations with Great Britain, so the country could resume trade with them and so the country could have peace of mind. During his Second and final term as president one of his most important decisions was what side to take when he learned that, yet again, Great Britain and France were at war or if he should just remain neutral. Though by this term many people, Republican editors to be exact, began stating that Washington was ridiculously

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