
Who Is Esther A Hero In The Bible

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Who Is Esther A Hero In The Bible
You may think of the main hero’s in the Bible that are mainly boys, but there are actually girls like one remarkable girl named Esther. Esther is a hero in the bible because she has stopped something that was really bad for the Jewish and herself in the town that she lived in. Esther has made her heroic place in the bible by stopping the king from executing all Jewish people because she is a Jewish person as well and she will get killed, by the lord Haman that becomes the Kings Prime minister and try’s to tell the king what to do. Esther lives in a town but she should have come from Jerusalem but she is living in a place where she becomes Queen. This book was written around 460 and 350 BC, this is historical that a female has made her heroic …show more content…
There was no slave, and they can’t return to Jerusalem, it wasn’t safe. Esther lived in a time when Jewish people lived in peace where they were not going to be captured and be held in slavery by the Babylonians. This time was called the Exile, Esther lives in Susa and she eventually got chosen to become the Queen of Persia. However the Jewish people in Persia were still not safe from the lord Haman, they still needed a hero to keep them safe from what was going on I that time. Esther made a heroic place in the bible and saved her Jewish people and herself from being killed by the lord Haman. Esther was a young Jewish girl that lived with her master Mordecai; she was strong and obeyed everything that her master told her to do. So this is a good thing for her to be the Queen because she listens to every word that her master and the king will tell her to …show more content…
Esther saves her people and herself from getting killed along with her master Mordecai gets taken to court to get trialled to see if he would betray his king. Esther makes a solution that the King Artaxerxes’ Prime minister Lord Haman is guilty and that he has people to kill the king. So this makes Esther a hero because she is heroic to save herself and the Jewish people. This shows that women are strong and aren’t always that easy to have power

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