
When Helena Is Foolish

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When Helena Is Foolish
Helena is the definition of foolishness in love. She shows this in many different ways. One way that Helena shows that she is foolish is that she has fallen hard for Demetrius and she would do anything for him to fall in love with her. She even said that “I am your spaniel, and, Demetrius. The more you beat me I will fawn on you, Use me but as your spaniel: spurn me, strike me, neglect me, lose me…” (II, I, 210-213). What Helena is saying here is that Demetrius could abuse her in any way he wants if that would make her fall in love with her. She is being foolish here because she has no self respect, as long as Demetrius loves her she does not care about herself. Another way that Helena is foolish is that she puts love in front of her friendships.

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