
What Is The Difference Between George And Lennie Friendship

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What Is The Difference Between George And Lennie Friendship
Any type of organisms need specific things in order to survive, for example, plants needs water, sunlight, and nutrients; animals needs water, food, oxygen, etc. And for us, human beings, we need oxygen, water and food to survive, but to maintain a healthy life, we would also need a friend(s). A person can live without a friend, but they might end up having mental illness and such. But it is actually not as easy as you think to find a real friend that will be your friend forever. For instance, some people might have a large group of friends during their freshman year in high school, yet when they get to their senior year they might end up having only one friend whom they can still tell their secret to or share their feelings to without …show more content…
A true friend is someone you can trust, someone that can forgive you for what you have done, someone that accept everything about you, and moreover, someone that will be with you physically or mentally when you need them. In the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, all of the qualities that makes a marvelous friendship applies to the friendship between George and Lennie. George and Lennie are ranch workers that have been traveling together during the Great Depression. The friendship they have is undoubtedly important to both of them, they would not be the same person if they were not there for each other. Lennie is mentally handicapped, he does not know how to socialize with people normally, therefore he needs a friend that can help him get through this hardship, which in this story is George. Suppose that George is not with him, he would not be able to live …show more content…
I have couple of best friends, all have them are friends of mine for more than nine years. And the one I think is most unique compare to other is the friendship I have with my primary classmate, Yannes. We met in each other in school when we were first grader, we somehow became friend right away, probably just because we sat next to each other. But we were arranged into different classes in our second and third year of elementary school, so we became a Hi-Bye friend in that period of time. From fourth grade, we were in the same class for three years in a row, which is how we get to know each other more and more and end up being each others’ best friend. It was great up to that point, but by the end of sixth grade, I became friends with two other girls and so I stop hanging out with Yannes as much as I did before, she also started to isolate me. We were kind of in the dead silence mood for couple of months, but this was breaked the day before I immigrated to U.S. That night before I flew, Yannes called me, she confess to me about how she feels for me not talking as much as I did and she started to cry, I started to cry too. We forgave each other, and we started to chat with each other again, and now she is the only primary schoolmate that still Skype with me every long holiday. Even though we do not have the chance to hang out with each other in person due to the extremely long distance, we still

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