
What Are Thomas Jefferson's Major Accomplishments

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What Are Thomas Jefferson's Major Accomplishments
Jefferson is known for a humongous list of accomplishments during his time in political history. Thomas Jefferson is known to be one of our founding fathers, presidents, vice president, congressman, lawyer, governor, and a Minister to France. With all those accomplishments there may come some minor downfall.
Thomas Jefferson was born in April 1743 and he was fluent in five languages. He was one of the ten siblings and played the violin in his free time. When he was young, he was taught by Reverend James Maury and when he was about sixteen he went to William and Mary College increase his education. Then he studied with Wythe for five years to become a lawyer since you could not go to school for that. When he was administered to the Virginia, bar he was already the top lawyer. He was a surveyor and commanded a local milta. They were on a circuit and went to various districts to hear cases.
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He got married to Martha and together they had six kids though only two of them made it to adulthood. His wife has died in her thirties when giving birth. Even though he doesn’t remarry it is said that at one point was with Sally Hemmings and could've possibly had kids. The Committee contained of Jefferson, Franklin, John Adams, Robert, and Roger were to make the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the draft of the Declaration of Independence and was modified by a few people and Congress. The first part talks about the human rights. The document was then adopted on the fourth of July which then became an American holiday. Thomas Jefferson's famous quote “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” He also made the Separation of state and church. He wanted for lower schools to educate white males to be more proficient in

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