
Warfare as Seen in the Poems The Sentry and Dulce Et Decorum Est

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Warfare as Seen in the Poems The Sentry and Dulce Et Decorum Est
Compare the ways in which Wilfred Owen reflects on warfare in The Sentry and Dulce et Decorum Est

Wilfred Owen was one of the leading English poets of World War 1, whom's work was immensely influenced by Siegfried Sassoon and the events that he witnesses whilst fighting as a soldier. 'The Sentry' and 'Dulce et Decorum Est' are both shocking and realistic war poems that were used to expose the horrors of war from the soldiers on the horrors of trenches and gas warfare, they challenged and stood in stark contrast to the public perception of war, conveyed by propagandist poets such as Rupert Brooke.

Dulce et decorum Est and the sentry both reveal the true environment and conditions that the soldiers were living and fighting in. In particular The Sentry contains many The use of 'Slush' and 'Sludge' link to the feelings of

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How does Owen use language to convey the horror of War in ‘The Sentry’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’?
‘The Sentry’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ both convey the harsh reality of war that Owen personally experienced and as a result contributed to his admittance to Craiglockhart War Hospital. The two poems focus on an individual event that Owen was involved in. The Sentry took Owen just under a year to even begin writing after the experience, this gives us an insight as to the true effect that such a shocking and horrific event had on him. There are many similarities between the two poems and Owen presents the dramatic image of war by use of language techniques.

a however, ‘Dulce...’ focuses on the pain of the gased soldier whilst Owen widens the perspective in ‘The Sentry. There are many similarities between both poems, such as the way Owen presents a dramatic image of war by use of language techniques, however there are also many differences.
Owen uses language to show the

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